Why We Retreat

Los Angeles--Today was the annual board retreat at Wildwood School where I am a trustee. Like most board retreats in independent and international schools, it was first and foremost an opportunity for the members to spend a day talking about the big picture of governing a complex, multi-divisional institution. For me, it was a rare (once per year at the most) opportunity to be a participant rather than a facilitator, and was one of the best days I have spent in a long time.

My fellow members are extraordinarily interesting and intelligent; in fact, that is one reason I accepted their invitation to join the board almost five years ago. After today, I am even more impressed by their passion and devotion to our shared cause. Most of all, I am even prouder to be a part of the Wildwood community, albeit at a 1,800-mile distance.

Maybe that should be the goal for every board retreat: that, at the end of the day, members leave with enhanced esteem for the school and for each other. Maybe the topics we talk about at a retreat matter less than how we talk about them and what we learn from each other in the process.

Thanks, colleagues!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad.


Notes from the Middle East


Sometimes showing up is what it takes