On the Road

Today begins what is in essence a 19-day, 4-country, 12-time zone, and 20,000-mile trip. My intent, subject to flight interruptions, is to blog everyday on the theme of independent and international school governance, since that is the focus of each stop along this trip.

Tomorrow, a board retreat in Atlanta. Then, after a quick night at home in St. Louis, on to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, for an EARCOS conference and several days of board training. Then to Los Angeles for a board retreat (as a participant) at Wildwood School where I am a trustee. The trip continues to Maine for leadership coaching with the heads and board chairs of two ISANNE-member schools, and ends with the ISANNE heads conference at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire.

My plan is to blog along the way about commonalties and differences among schools and regions with regard to governance, and to discuss a small-but-crucial set of governance risk factors. Oh, and of course I may include a few pictures from the road.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad.


Thoughts from Afar


Strategies to Emmulate