At Last! An Evidence-Based Rebuttal to the GE Approach

One of the most frequent suggestions we hear from corporate types on independent and international school boards is for the school to adopt a General Electric (GE)-style rank and fire program. Invariably, these board members point with admiration to Jack Welch's vaunted (and just as invariably mis-represented) practice as former CEO of GE of ranking his personnel and lopping off the bottom 10% every year. "I just don't understand why we can't fire the bottom quarter of our teachers every year," is what one person said during a recent board retreat.This item from the Financial Times debunks the usefulness of the Welchian approach; in fact, GE itself has abandoned the practice. "Assessment and grading demanded thousands of hours of tedium from executives who hated doing it." Finally, someone says it!


Just Around the Corner ...


The Board's Role in Making Strategy