Using Knowledge-Based Questions for Decision Making

With independent and international schools increasingly exploring revenue streams as alternatives or augmentations to tuition, we think it helpful to have in mind a decision-making rubric for evaluating the appropriateness of choices. A very use framework of four knowledge-based questions comes to us from a client, the International Coach Federation (ICF):

  1. What do our current and prospective customers want in this regard?
  2. What competitive advantage do we have in this regard?
  3. What resources would be necessary to make this happen? Do we have the resources available or would we need to develop capacity?
  4. Is it moral, legal, fair and mission-congruent?

The questions take into account mission congruence, institutional capacity and experience, and legal implications (e.g., as would happen with income from unrelated businesses in the United States).



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Making Strategy Part I: Short-Term Focus, Long-Term Problems