Two Trends: Hassle or Opportunity in 2011?
Here are two emerging or strengthening trends we are tracking as 2011 begins:
1. Increasing Internal Revenue Service scrutiny of nonprofit institutions in the United States. Even though the excesses of nonprofits--especially independent schools--pale in comparison to those in the for-profit world, it appears that the IRS will be paying especially close attention to executive compensation, unrelated business income, and endowment management. How close are they coming to independent schools? Well, private universities are coming under the gun now -- see related article here.
2. The drive to measure outcomes in education has renewed bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress and is gaining favor with independent school accreditors. Will "publish or perish" as an academic mantra be replaced by "measure or perish?" See related commentary here.
Many boards and heads will see these as hassles. The real challenge is to get ahead of each change and turn each trend to your advantage.
More to follow. Happy New Year, all!