Total Personalization is Here

We began forecasting the rise of a totally customizable school experience as a trend some years ago, and this from JWT Intelligence shows how it looks when applied to the retail industry. Before dismissing this as irrelevant to the education sector, consider that parents tell us in focus groups that they crave being able to totally design their child's school experience. If they can do it with 3-figure Nike shoes, why not with a mid-5 figures school buy? Makes perfect sense to them.And to us. We predict that private, independent schools will be disaggregating and unbundling, allowing parents to pick and choose all over town to create a customized school that reflects the uniqueness and specialness of their child(ren). Want to be on the leading or trailing edge of this curve? The time is short before the choice will be made for you.


Personalization at Scale


VC as the New Game in Town for Education