The Next Phase of this Blog

This blog is entering a new phase. Beginning this weekend, I am committing to publish a new Leading Thoughts once per week for the next year. That means 52 posts by mid-June 2022. I am committing to this partially as an exercise in disciplined writing, but mostly as a way to grow the volume of Triangle Associates content available to clients and others in the field.The focus of Leading Thoughts will remain on private, independent, and international education, plus public and private higher education. While previously not stated, the mission remains the same: To inform and provoke by exploration and critique.What is needed is you. We need your feedback and ideas. Are we on target? About what else should we write? What would help you most? Our commitment is to post; what we need from you is to help us focus. So, are you game?

This is Leading Thoughts: The Blog. Watch for Leading Thoughts: The Podcast coming soon.


Farewell Lone Warrior Redux


What an Old Biology Experiment Teaches Us about Strategy