The Millennials are here! Where are they, exactly?

It's all about the Millennials these days--us Boomers are well into decline as a driving demographic in American life. School people are seeing the leading edge of the Millennial generation arriving as parents, and the next couple of decades in admission offices will be all about them. The catch is that they may not be exactly where one might expect.An item in Time's online briefing suggests the greatest concentrations of Millennials are showing up in suburbs, rather than denser urban areas. The graphic below from the Time article displays where the Millennials are and aren't, and the often close proximity of these suburbs to larger urban areas leads us to posit that factors such as housing costs and the sort of lifestyle they want to live as families are at work here. It is also easy to suggest that schools in areas without growing Millennial cohorts will continue to face tough demographic challenges.


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