Putting Feedback to Good Use

Triangle Associates is the world leader in creating and facilitating feedback-intensive seminars for leaders in independent education. We usually hear that the feedback people receive in these sessions using 360-degree assessment instruments is the most useful they have received, and that their heads or boards are either lousy at feedback or given none at all. Bloomberg Businessweek this week features an article on feedback that seems right on point.

"...our modern system of giving and receiving feedback is broken. It’s often cluelessly delivered, poorly timed, and driven by the giver’s own insecurities or ambition. (An architect I know had a boss who once told her he couldn’t think of a single thing she was good at, including “human interaction.”) But even crudely put, self-serving feedback contains usable truths. Besides, it’s the only kind many get, so it’s best to figure out how to use it."

We couldn't agree more. The rest of the Businessweek article is about how to receive feedback and put the information to use. Worth a read for school leaders.

The article is especially timely given that we are in Vienna now to announce launch of a new feedback-intensive leadership development program. The program is a joint venture of our firm and the International School of Prague and will contain online and in-person components. CEESA is a sponsor.


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