Private Schools in Gaza

DSCN2049Peter Davidson rocking the room in Gaza City.

Finishing four days working with private school heads in Gaza, and struck with how the issues they face are so much the same and so much different from those heads face in North America, Europe and Asia.  Parents are demanding, resources scare, and good teachers hard to find the world over.  But the unpredictability of Gazan life and the hardships that range from mere hassles to the truly brutal are unique to the place.

What is a constant for me is that as I leave Gaza for Jerusalem and then Ramallah, I leave behind new friends and colleagues just as dear as any I have anywhere in the world.  What saddens me is that the freedom of movement I enjoy between countries and continents is something they lack.   

That said, I am always amazed in this region at the hopefulness of the people and the quality of what schools do with so few resources.  Carry on, my friends.



What the Steve Jobs case teaches us about value-added by CEO's (and heads)..


A Day in Gaza