Most private, independent schools aspire to be inclusive multi-cultural communities, embracing of different races, ethnicities, gender identities and sexual orientations, among other diversity indicators. But are there limits to our pluralism; in other words, can an embrace of LBGTQ rights, something that we in our firm stand by, exclude parents that want their child educated in an environment free from such ideas? Can a commitment to teach rigorous science rule out tolerance for a creationist viewpoint? In effect, does our "big tent" only extend so far?Increasingly, this is a board-level issue, in that schools are riven by tensions among factions that break along these lines and some sort of policy statement is very much needed. Heads of school and the faculty need to know that the board has their backs when taking standings that might offend some in the community. Pluralism is not so limitless as to include anti-pluralism.


Is Irrational Exuberance Making a Reappearance?


The Road to Ruin for Boards