Independent Schools are Creative Enterprises

A quote from Scott Berkun's terrific book about working at WordPress:%%anc%%

Product creators are the true talent of any corporation, especially one claiming to bet on innovation. The other roles don't create products and should be there to serve those who do. A classic betrayal of this idea is when the IT department dictates to creatives what equipment they can use. If one group has to be inefficient, it should be the support group, not the creatives. If the supporting roles, including management, dominate, the quality of products can only suffer.--Berkun, Scott. The Year Without Pants: and the Future of Work (p. 38). Wiley. Kindle Edition.

Independent schools are, in essence, creative enterprises for teachers, counselors and coaches, rather than factories where repetition leads to productivity gains through volume production. Yes, one school year follows much the same pattern as any other, but that is not so for students and their families. Students are less like cars on an assembly line and more like blocks of stone being chiseled into unique artistic expressions of themselves. In the end, that is why parents pay the tuitions we charge.


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